Most New Zealanders have never heard of sepsis.

Unlike heart attack, stroke, and cancer, no single department or health discipline is responsible for managing all sepsis cases. This has led to a lack of research, awareness and advocacy which leaves sepsis patients and survivors with no natural advocate in the healthcare system.

It’s hard to describe and it can be difficult to detect in its early stages, but if you can recognise the signs and symptoms early it could save a life.

The New Zealand Sepsis Trust aims to take up this advocacy role by promoting clinical tools, providing education and fundraising to build awareness and sepsis research capability.

The New Zealand Sepsis
Trust Performance Report

Our Mission

Increasing awareness, saving lives

Our Vision

No preventable deaths from sepsis in New Zealand

Our Values

  • Ensure all frontline health care providers can recognise and manage sepsis
  • und research and quality improvement initiatives that support our mission
  • Provide support for patients with sepsis and their whānau
  • Increase awareness and understanding of sepsis and the common infections that cause it

Our Team

Ashvindev Singh


A Project, Programme & Portfolio Management professional with over 7 years of experience in healthcare, including Auckland DHB & the Health Quality & Safety Commission. Managed and delivered projects ranging from large scale change pieces, process improvement projects at a whole of DHB and individual business unit level & NZ wide project delivery implementations across all 20 DHBs and for higher

Ashvindev’s particular focus is in systems engineering whereby using the principles of project management, service design, and customer experience to leverage against technology as an enabler to deliver on better patient outcomes. Ashvindev is also experienced in the ‘whole of organisation’ governance & strategy space.

Dr Paul Huggan


Paul is an acute medicine and infectious disease specialist at Waikato Hospital. He has a long-standing interest in the epidemiology and clinical outcomes of sepsis.

Dr Dan Dobbins


Dan is an emergency medicine physician with an interest in the acute management of patients with infection and sepsis. Dan is at the heart of efforts to improve sepsis recognition and resuscitation in his emergency department.

Dr Robert Martynoga


Robert is an anaesthetist and intensive care physician with an interest in maternal and perinatal sepsis. 

Prof. Steve Chambers


Steve is an infectious disease physician and professor in the Department of Pathology at Otago University. Steve has extensive experience in the management of infection-related charities and public sector healthcare organisations and a research background in novel infectious disease diagnostics.

Cam Howard

Cam is a nurse specialist with an extensive experience in critical care. She works with the Trust and its partners to improve sepsis care and support for survivors.

Together we can make a difference.

Our fundraising campaign is all about raising awareness and saving lives. By signing up and participating, you will be helping sepsis survivors throughout Aotearoa, New Zealand. Will you step up?

What is Sepsis?

Clinical Tools



Our Details

Sepsis Trust NZ
Hamilton PO Box No
565 Waikato Mail
Centre Hamilton 3240

0800 764 915

Charity No. CC56078

© Copyright 2025 Sepsis Trust NZ