Bennett and Pepa Help to Launch National Sepsis Quality Improvement Efforts

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body’s response to an infection causes injury to its own tissues and organs. Recognizing the signs of sepsis early is crucial for survival. 

Bennett’s first thought he had COVID, but he quickly got worse, and pain in his groin turned out to be necrotising fasciitis, a severe infection of the skin and soft tissues which is frequently complicated by sepsis.

Common symptoms, in people who already think they have an infection, include slurred speech or confusion, extreme shivering or muscle pain, passing no urine all day, severe breathlessness, extreme concern/feeling like you’re going to die, and changes in skin colour.

Bennett and Pepa’s Story is a powerful interview that highlights the challenges and long-term impact of sepsis. Bennett and Pepa recount the critical moments in their journey and the ongoing effects of sepsis on their lives.

The New Zealand Sepsis Trust continues to work with the Commission toward increasing awareness, improving treatment, and supporting survivors of sepsis.

Social media updates about Bennett and Pepa

What is Sepsis?

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Our Details

Sepsis Trust NZ
Hamilton PO Box No
565 Waikato Mail
Centre Hamilton 3240

0800 764 915

Charity No. CC56078

© Copyright 2025 Sepsis Trust NZ